A. Admit that you are a sinner before God, and cannot save yourself.
B. Believe in Jesus, who He is, and what He has done, believe the gospel.
C. Commit yourself to following Jesus and obeying Him.
Dear Jesus,
I confess to You that I am a sinner, and I have broken many of Your laws.
I admit that I don’t deserve heaven and never will.
I accept Your free gift of eternal life that You are offering to me.
I believe that You, Jesus, are God, equal with the Father.
I believe that you emptied Yourself of all that You were as God, and that You left heaven, and became just exactly like me in every way.
I believe that You never sinned, not even a little one, not even in thought or attitude.
I believe that You were nailed to a cross, and while You hung there God the Father took all of my sins, past, present, and future and put them on You,
looked at You as if you actually committed the sins that I committed, and punished You for my sins.
I believe that You physically died on that cross, that You were buried, and that three days later You rose from the dead, and that You are alive today.
I commit my life to You, You have purchased me with Your blood, I belong to You.
I declare You to be Lord of my life.
I will obey You and do whatever You ask and I will follow You and serve You all the days of my life.
I know that I will fail many times as Your disciple, thank You for Your continual forgiveness of me.
I will not take advantage of Your forgiveness, mercy, and grace, to live the way I want, but I will accept Your forgiveness and live my life free from the fear of failing.
I admit that I don’t have the ability to live for You and to follow You in my own strength,
but I do believe that the Holy Spirit now lives in me and gives me the strength to grow and please You with my life.