Upcoming Opportunities:
Homeless Outreach Ministry:
Every 2nd Saturday JBC partners with “Be Bold Street Outreach Ministry” and other local churches/organizations at local homeless camps.
Contact: James Farmer
JBC provides a safe place for children within our church and community to trick or treat on Halloween night. Volunteers are needed to provide a ‘trunk’ decorated with a theme and lots of candy for this event. We also need volunteers to help with providing hot dogs to everyone who attends as JBC’s way of saying “I love you” to our community.
Family Movie Night:
HM presents wholesome, family-oriented films at JBC. Our goal is to have a free, fun event that you can invite your friends and neighbors to attend, whether saved or unsaved.
Next movie scheduled 6:30pm April 11 in the Main Sanctuary - movie is “The Risen” rated PG13
Prayer for our Nation:
Every Friday morning from 6-7am. Come be a part of asking God to restore our nation back to Himself.
Royal Family Kids’ Camp
A Christian-based camp for children either in foster or relative care between 7-11 years of age.
Volunteers needed in all areas, i.e. professional nurse, and counselor, photographers, worship leaders, etc. All lodging and meals provided at no cost to volunteers. Twelve (12) hours of training are provided to help deal with these special needs children. This camp focuses on gaining these childrens’ trust, giving them a safe place to just be kids, and teaching them various skills so they can feel successful.
Contact Lisa Hemperley at 541-815-5477 or submit your application at www.salemrfk.org
TRAC (Teen Reach Adventure Camp)
TRAC is an overnight camp for teens either still in the foster care system or adopted from the foster care system. This camp focuses on God's love and helps them learn to trust both themselves, other adults and God. Statistically, those aging out of the foster care system have a high likelihood of being human trafficked, homeless, or incarcerated within the first three years after aging out. Those accepting Jesus Christ have a much better chance of a healthy life.
>> Seeking volunteers for 2 camps in June and August! <<
HOW TO GET INVOLVED: If you have a ministry you’d like to start at JBC for our community or state, but don’t know how to get started, or need a little help with funding, please contact one of our Board members: Gary Putman, Melissa and Jeremy Oien, Rich and Carole Sebens, Kathy Burbey, Lou Ellen Pearson.