Note: Registration is closed to new families for 2024-2025
Many parents in our community have made an important choice to homeschool their children. We would like to come alongside them by offering the experience and skills of several local teachers to be available as a resource to you in providing classes in which your children may not currently be involved. We offer both academic and non-academic electives to homeschool families.
2024-2025 Application Packet
Families may register their students by submitting a registration form (available at the church office or contact by email, regular mail, or by stopping by Jefferson Baptist Church. The registration fee of $30 per school year plus $50/student/semester is due with the completed registration form, which helps with homeschool ministry expenses. There may be additional class tuition or materials fees for individual classes.
Forms and Files
Classes meet weekly on Mondays during the day at Jefferson Baptist Church, the majority of the classes are 50 minutes in length.
The school year is broken down into 2 semesters
Semester 1 is Sept 16th- Jan 20th (16wks)
Semester 2 is Jan 27th- May 19th (16wks)